Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Roadcrew (The Pass)

So we went back to the Pass, but this time climbing at Roadcrew instead of Roadside. This area has the ultra famous Cedar Spine and Ulan Butar (that's not how its spelled, I know). Cedar Spine is fucking amazing!!! Totally worth the hype. If you come here, you cannot leave without climbing this mega classic highball arete. Ulan Butt-Stain however is a total crap pile (not because I didn't do it). I guess some people called it the "Midnight Lightning of the Rocklands", but that is a load of zebra poop. It has the mega tweaky lightning bolt hold that you have do a weird one-arm pull up lock off thingy on that totally made my pinky hurt all effing day. Lame, lame lame. Walker lead us up to this area called the Fortress after we did Cedar Spine. The Fortress has all this super hard cave problems that look really cool, but are all actually the same as eachother. Even though the climbing here isn't great, it had probably the most amazing view of the Rocklands I've seen so far.


  1. Great follow-up picture of the "most amazing view of Rocklands [you've] seen so far."

    Too busy making out with a baboon?

  2. So I don't have anything specific to comment on, with regards to your most recent post, I just wanted to let you know I'm reading and digging on your travels, trials, tribulations, and triumphs.
    And, also, I agree. More Pictures!!

    take care, dude.
