Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rock Climbing!

Today is the first time so far that I’ve started to feel comfortable and settled. We went into town and bought all of our food for the next month. Everything is in boxes. Like everything that Americans feel should be put in the fridge or kept cold was boxed. Milk and eggs are kept on the shelf. Weird. Cheap, cheap stuff. Aside from that, we went rock climbing!! Woo hoo! I forget the name of the area (I’ll figure it out later), but it has problems named Minkie, Poison Dwarf, and Hole in One. I bought these two cheap lame dart guns at the supermarket in Clanwilliam and Eric and I kept shooting eachother and other people with them.




The boulder(s) with Poison Dwarf also had a bunch of fun warm ups. Pretty much everything on this boulder was mega soft except for Poison Dwarf itself. Poison Dwarf is the really cool overhanging 7B lowball (because as it turns out, 90% of climbs in the rocklands are not very tall) that is simple and powerful. After Poison Dwarf, we wandered over to a corridor-like area called Arch Valley (I think). Fun climbs, lowball again, good holds, good feet and thus, gymnastic. The prize of that area is the V4 going over the Arch. I forget the name, but “Arch” is in it I assure you. We tried, and some sent, this problem going from the start of V4 arch problem and heading right instead of left. It involves an odd one-arm dyno to the lip of the boulder. I totally under shot the throw and came crashing sideways to the ground. But Hey!...I’m OK! I didn’t get hurt at all. We tried some dyno for a while that ended up giving me a flapper. First flapper in the first day. So blah, blah, blah. Minkie. Minkie, Minkie, Minkie!


So Cool.


So different than other Rocklands climbs so far.

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